

UNITED KINGDOM, Banksy is considered the most famous living Street Artist in the world. He got his start in the 80’s on the streets of Bristol, London, painting and tagging walls with friends. Banksy admittedly was not very good at tagging so soon started making stencils and painting messages on the streets inspired by the stencils of Blek Le Rat. He chose stencils for their speed after he spent a night hiding under a train waiting for the police to leave the area. He tackles everything from politics, sexuality, injustice, corruption and more with humor and sadness equally. One of Banksy’s most recent project is in Bethlehem. Called The Walled Off Hotel is a clever play on words satirizing the luxury from one location to the plight of another. Also due to its close proximity to the seperation wall. It is a functional exhibition that accepts guests as it operates as a hotel.

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